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B4. The Tantric Model - CHAKRAS

B4. The Tantric Model - CHAKRAS A different but parallel model of human personality was developed by the Tantras. Whereas the Upanishads speak of Five Sheaths or Koshas, the Tantras speak of six chakras. These Chakras are (in ascending order). 1.       First Chakra – Root Chakra – Muladahara located near the base of the spine in the perineal space for men, at the back and top of the cervix for women; sacral plexus 2.      Second Chakra – Seat of the Soul Chakra – Svadhisthana located at the level of the uro-genital systems; prostatic plexus; also called Sacral Chakra 3.      Third Chakra – Naval Chakra – Manipura located at the area of the solar plexus 4.       Fourth Chakra – Heart Chakra – Anahata located at the level of the heart; cardiac plexus 5.      Fifth Chakra – Throat Chakra – Vishuddha located in the ...